Option Explicit
Sub CheckXlDriver()
On Error Resume Next
Dim vConnString
Dim oConn, oErr
‘ try to connect to file NUL:
vConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=NUL:"
Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open vConnString
For Each oErr in oConn.Errors
‘ when the Excel driver reports "Failure creating file",
‘ then it must be installed and working ;-))
If oErr.NativeError = -5036 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Response.Write "Provider or Driver not available. (Re-)Install MDAC.
Response.Write hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description & "
For Each oErr in oConn.Errors
Response.Write hex(oErr.Number) & " " & oErr.NativeError & " " & oErr.Description & "
End Sub
Function GetConnection(vConnString)
On Error Resume Next
Set GetConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
GetConnection.Open vConnString
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set GetConnection = Nothing
End If
End Function
Function OptionTag(vChoice,vTrue)
Dim vSelected
If vTrue Then
vSelected = "selected"
End If
OptionTag = "<option " & vSelected & ">" & _
Server.HtmlEncode(vChoice) & "</option>" & vbCrLf
End Function
Function IsChecked(vTrue)
If vTrue Then
IsChecked = "checked"
End If
End Function
Function BookOptions(vXlFile)
Dim vServerFolder
Dim oFs, oFolder, oFile
Dim vSelected
vServerFolder = Server.MapPath(".")
Set oFs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFs.GetFolder(vServerFolder)
For Each oFile in oFolder.Files
If oFile.Type = "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" Then
vSelected = (oFile.Name = vXlFile)
BookOptions = BookOptions & _
OptionTag(oFile.Name, vSelected)
End If
Set oFolder = Nothing
Set oFs = Nothing
End Function
Function NamedRangeOptions(oConn, vXlRange, vTableType)
Dim oSchemaRs
Dim vSelected
NamedRangeOptions = OptionTag(Empty, Empty)
If TypeName(oConn) = "Connection" Then
Set oSchemaRs = oConn.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)
Do While Not oSchemaRs.EOF
If oSchemaRs("TABLE_TYPE") = vTableType Then
vSelected = (oSchemaRs("TABLE_NAME") = vXlRange)
NamedRangeOptions = NamedRangeOptions & _
OptionTag(oSchemaRs("TABLE_NAME"), vSelected)
End If
End If
End Function
Function DataTable(oConn, vXlRange, vXlHasHeadings)
On Error Resume Next
‘ from OleDbVbc.inc
Dim oRs, oField
Dim vThTag, vThEndTag
If vXlHasHeadings Then
vThTag = "<th>"
vThEndTag = "</th>"
vThTag = "<td>"
vThEndTag = "</td>"
End If
DataTable = "<table border=1>"
If TypeName(oConn) = "Connection" Then
Set oRs = oConn.Execute("[" & vXlRange & "]")
If oConn.Errors.Count > 0 Then
For Each oConnErr in oConn.Errors
If oConnErr.Number = DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND Then
DataTable = DataTable & _
"<tr><td>No such range :</td><th>" & vXlRange & "</th></tr>"
DataTable = DataTable & _
"<tr><td>" & oConnErr.Description & "</td></tr>"
End If
DataTable = DataTable & "<tr>"
For Each oField in oRs.Fields
DataTable = DataTable & vThTag & oField.Name & vThEndTag
DataTable = DataTable & "</tr>"
Do While Not oRs.Eof
DataTable = DataTable & "<tr>"
For Each oField in oRs.Fields
DataTable = DataTable & "<td>" & oField.Value & "</td>"
DataTable = DataTable & "</tr>"
End If
Set oRs = Nothing
DataTable = DataTable & "<tr><td>File locked by another application or otherwise not accessible. Cannot continue.</td></tr>"
End If
DataTable = DataTable & "</table>"
End Function
‘ –main–
<title>Read Excel</title>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function XlBook_onchange(theForm) {
with (theForm) {
XlSheet.selectedIndex = 0;
XlSheet.disabled = true;
XlNamedRange.selectedIndex = 0;
XlNamedRange.disabled = true;
XlTypedRange.value = "A:IV";
function XlSheet_onchange(theForm) {
with (theForm) {
XlNamedRange.selectedIndex = 0;
XlTypedRange.value = XlSheet.options[XlSheet.selectedIndex].text;
function XlNamedRange_onchange(theForm) {
with (theForm) {
XlSheet.selectedIndex = 0;
XlTypedRange.value = XlNamedRange.options[XlNamedRange.selectedIndex].text;
function XlTypedRange_onchange(theForm) {
with (theForm) {
XlSheet.selectedIndex = 0;
XlNamedRange.selectedIndex = 0;
Dim vXlFile, vXlFilePath
Dim vXlRange, vXlHasHeadings
Dim vDisabled
Dim vConnString
Dim oConn, oConnErr
Const adSchemaTables = 20 ‘ from adovbs.inc
CheckXlDriver ‘ make sure it is working
vXlFile = Request("XlBook")
If vXlFile <> Empty Then
vXlRange = Request("XlTypedRange")
If vXlRange = Empty Then
vXlRange = "A:IV"
vXlRange = Replace(vXlRange, "!", "$")
End If
vXlHasHeadings = Request("XlHasHeadings")
‘ establish connection
vXlFilePath = Server.MapPath(vXlFile)
vConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};ReadOnly=1;DBQ=" & _ vXlFilePath
Set oConn = GetConnection(vConnString)
vDisabled = "disabled"
End If
<form name=MyForm method="POST" action="<%=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>">
<table border="1" width="100%">
<th>Workbook :</th>
<select name="XlBook" LANGUAGE=javascript onchange="return XlBook_onchange(MyForm)">
<%= BookOptions(vXlFile) %>
<td align="center">Worksheet :</td>
<td><select <%=vDisabled%> name="XlSheet" LANGUAGE=javascript onchange="return XlSheet_onchange(MyForm)">
<%= NamedRangeOptions(oConn, vXlRange, "SYSTEM TABLE") %>
<th>Range :</th>
<td><input type="text" name="XlTypedRange" LANGUAGE=javascript onchange="return XlTypedRange_onchange(MyForm)"
value ="<%= vXlRange %>"></td>
<td align="center">Named Range :</td>
<td><select <%=vDisabled%> name="XlNamedRange" LANGUAGE=javascript onchange="return XlNamedRange_onchange(MyForm)">
<%= NamedRangeOptions(oConn, vXlRange, "TABLE") %>
<p> </th>
<td colspan="3">
<input type="checkbox" name="XlHasHeadings"
<%= IsChecked(vXlHasHeadings) %>
value="True"> Show first row as column headings</td>
<p> </th>
<td colspan=3>
<a href=<%= vXlFile %>><%= vXlFile %></a>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="cmdSubmit">
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="cmdReset">
If vXlRange <> Empty Then
Response.Write DataTable(oConn, vXlRange, vXlHasHeadings)
End If